Cre8tiveCon is a free conference that brings emerging literary creatives with educators and skilled professionals in publishing and film who are knowledgeable and skilled in their field.
Before you submit.....
Session Format
- The events will take place online
- Each of the presentation sessions will run 50 minutes with 35-40 minutes allotted for instruction and 10-15 minutes reserved for Q&A.
- Every session will be recorded and distributed via our social networks following the live broadcast.
Benefits of speaking at #CRE8TIVECON
Every speaker will receive:
- The opportunity to attend Cre8tiveCon events
- Attendance is between 500-1,000 people
- One (1) speaker ticket to attend Black Writers Weekend.
- One (1) comped ticket to attend Black Writers Weekend.
Selection Process
- The speaker application deadline is Friday, Dec 18 at 11:59pm EDT (UTC-4).
- You will be notified about your application status by Friday, Jan 4th.
- Speaker announcements will be published on Monday, Jan 11th.
- Donations must be submitted at the time of submissions to be considered
- Only ten (10) speakers will be selected.
Speaker Expectations
- Abide by the event code of conduct.
- Deliver an original-to-you talk that doesn't already exist online (note: it is perfectly okay to repeat a talk you've already delivered).
- Deliver a run-through of the current draft of your talk one week prior to the event.
- Provide files to your final slides a week before your session
- Participate briefly in the event chat following your presentation for any follow-up questions from attendees.
- Participate in social media shares & marketing of your session
Tips for Applying
- Think of the audience first: what will they learn and why is it useful?
- Be succinct in describing your talk. Try and capture the value of the material in 2-3 exciting sentences
- Think about practical application instead of concepts or ideas alone.
- Create a two-minute video pitch to further sell your idea. If you're not sure what to say you can share greater detail about your talk summary. This is entirely optional, please don't feel intimidated by it! Email this video to [email protected]
Submit to Speak at #CREATIVECON
Thank you for applying to be a speaker at Cre8tiveCon. Our highly anticipated conference turns out hundreds of creatives and readers every year. We are opening up our stage for public submissions.
Want to speak and be featured during the 2021 events?
Fill out the form below.